Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Day, Another Dollar...Maybe

Some people are enjoying a holiday today while the rest of us continue working! If you own your business, my guess is you're not at home watching movies or out shopping. Owning a business is commitment to excellence that entails daily effort. And if you are putting forth that daily effort, you know what it takes to succeed.
   This morning a friend and I bemoaned the attitude in our culture that people believe they are entitled to many things without having to work for them. Whether that includes employment, housing, medical care, material goods and services or respect, we discussed the trend in dismissing doing actual work for what you need or want.
   Before you write us off as curmudgeons, think about what you have seen in the news or television programs, advertising, group association literature and overheard conversations in public. People seem to be enraged if they don't get what other people have. Somehow the idea that life is not fair doesn't occur to them. Hmph. When was life ever fair?
   Our current political climate fosters this nonsense when people want to complain because a candidate has personal wealth, obtained, mind you, by working every day. We have leaders who want us to be jealous of our neighbors, friends and family members; leaders who think starting a class warfare argument is the way to be successful. You know it's wrong and so do I .
  Do yourself and the rest of us a favor: the next time someone wants to rant about what they lack or someone else has earned by working, stand up for the value of honest work and saving your money. You owe yourself and your family the opportunity to live in a country where we still honor these values.
Have a terrific day!